The Balanced Diet allows you to lose weight up to 15 lbs per month

This balanced diet fits the needs of each body without causing damage or a lake of nutrients. The Balanced Diet is recommended for any healthy person. Diet duration: 1 to 4 months. It's possible to follow the diet more time but always under medical supervision. Follow the steps of this dietary balanced menu with the objective of improving health. You will see that this diet entails less sacrifice of what you think. Weekly menu of the Balanced Diet to lose 15 lbs: Balanced diet: Monday Breakfast: Tea or coffee 2 slices of integral bread with non-fat cheese (1.5 oz, 5 grs). Lunch: Salad with lettuce, asparagus, tomatoes, 4 olives. Veal (50 oz, 150 grs) 1 fruit. Dinner: Vegetable soup Boiled fish (50 oz, 150 grs) 1 yogurt. Balanced diet: Tuesday Breakfast: Orange juice 2 toasts with butter or honey. Lunch: Apple salad Grilled chicken (50 oz, 150 grs) 1 fruit. Dinner: Ham (35 oz, 100 grs) Eggplant and peppers baked 1 fruit. Balanced diet: Wednesday Breakfast: Tea or coffee 2 toasts with butter and light jelly. Lunch: Salad with carrots and watercress Rice with vegetables Parmesan cheese (1.4 oz, 40 grs) 1 fruit. Dinner: Vegetable puree Spring omelet 1 fruit. Balanced diet: Thursday Breakfast: Orange juice 2 small muffins. Lunch: Salad with cooked lentils Tomato and capers or pickles Grilled fish filet Fruit salad. Dinner: Vegetables cooked with 1 potato Cod baked (35 oz, 100 grs) with vegetables 1 skimmed yogurt. Balanced diet: Friday Breakfast: Coffee or tea 2 slices of whole-wheat bread with butter or margarine light. Lunch: Salad with tomatoes Low fat cheese and onion Grilled turkey (50 oz, 150 grs) 1 fruit. Dinner: Mixed salad with carrot and onion Grilled fish (50 oz, 150 grs) 1 fruit. Balanced diet: Saturday Breakfast: Coffee or tea 2 slices of whole-wheat bread with butter, margarine light or honey. Lunch: Baked artichokes Grilled veal with vegetables 1 fruit. Dinner: Squash puree 2 boiled eggs 1 can of tuna 1 yogurt. Balanced diet: Sunday Breakfast: Coffee or tea Organic orange juice 2 small whole-wheat muffins. Lunch: Baked or boiled vegetables Meat with mushrooms 1 yogurt with fruit. Dinner: White asparagus with mayonnaise light Spinach omelet 1 skimmed yogurt.
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